What is your booth staffing like?

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First of all, please think about how many stand visitors you can expect on one day of the trade fair. TIP Check the past event for statistics etc. After a trade fair, there is usually an analysis of the trade fair. The number of visitors is actually always mentioned. Don't forget to divide the number of visitors by the opening days of the fair. ;-)

The size of your stand area and the planned contacts are an important point to determine the number of sales and service staff. If you want to offer snacks and drinks you will of course need more staff.

You can also find more information about the staff in our article: "Where can I find stand staff"

What should be considered when dressing stand personnel and service staff?

It is very important for you to appear in a unified image to the outside world. The sales stand crew should therefore be dressed in the same way, the same applies to the service staff

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